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Old 10-06-2007, 05:50 AM
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 1,348

Based on my EQG loader I got sidetracked last week with:

arena (works)
arena2 (works)
tutoriala.eqg (works)
tutorialb.eqg (works)
lavastorm.eqg (works with manual offset: 0x2db00+24)
highpasshold.eqg (works)
freeporteast.eqg (works)
freeportwest.eqg (works)
freeportsewers.eqg (works)

Depths of Darkhollow
westkorlachb (works)
westkorlacha (works)
corathus (works)
corathusb (works)
drachnidhiveb (works)
dreadspire (works)
illsalina (works)
westkorlachc (works)
drachnidhivea (works)
drachnidhivec (works)
illsalin (works)
nektulosa (works)
shadowspine (works)
eastkorlacha (works)
corathusa (works)
westkorlach (works)
illsalinb (works)
drachnidhive (works)
illsalinc (works)
eastkorlach (works)

Dragons of Norrath
guildhall (works with manual offset: 0x3080-2)
delvea (works with manual offset: 0x39bb60+4)
stillmoona (works with manual offset: 0x71944+4)
thenest (works with manual offset: 0xCA244)
stillmoonb (works with manual offset: 0xE340-2)
barter (works with manual offset: 0x56AD)
broodlands (works with manual offset: 0x382BB-4)
guildlobby (works with manual offset: 0x4190+19)
thundercrest (works with manual offset: 0x62230-4)
delveb (works with manual offset: 0x38BF0)

Omens of War
anguish (works)
dranikcatacombsa (works with manual offset: 0x16b0+8)
dranikcatacombsb (works with manual offset: 0x12a0+15)
dranikcatacombsc (works with manual offset: 0x16b0+8)
dranikhollowsa (works)
dranikhollowsb (works)
dranikhollowsc (works)
draniksscar (works)
harbingers (works with manual offset: 0x1178)
provinggrounds (works)
chambersa (works)
chambersb (works)
chambersc (works)
chambersd (works)
chamberse (works)
chambersf (works)
causeway (works)
riftseekers (works)
draniksewersa (works with manual offset: 0x1410+19)
draniksewersb (works with manual offset: 0x1410+19)
draniksewersc (works with manual offset: 0x13b0+30)
bloodfields (works)
fhalls (works)
dranik (works)
wallofslaughter (works)
Not including any version 4 EQGs and just eqgs I found on my system. There are special conditions for version 1(fhalls) and version 3(anything in DoD) that don't let them load with the version 2 loader correctly (though you can get fhalls to work with an offset). I'll try to post my code once I clean it up a bit.
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