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Old 10-18-2007, 02:30 AM
Forum Guide
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: California
Posts: 1,475

The tool will not be a comprehensive profile editor, just a few selected byte values like last name, coins etc..

Actually I'm using VB, and to convert the entire profile blob came from an idea where I pulled the blob from the database and saved it to a binary file. The file is NOT loaded into memory, but accessed by a byte pointer. Then edited values are saved and the binary file dumped back to the DB.
Actually it's easy.

The tool does much more editing, but account management is a small portion of it's purpose. You can copy toons from one account to another, and even delete and modify toon data stored in the character_ table.

Right now you can
- find out what items drop in a zone by NPC (done)
- Identify if an item drops or is sold or player made (done)
- view NPC in a zone by level/min max/avg levels,spawngroup (done)
- account profile and character editing (as discussed before) (1/2 done)
- modify loot drops by selected npc's (not done)
- tag/poll/monitor accounts for suspicious behaviour (not done)
- view/parse #commands by users (log file parser) - (not done)
- more as time permits..


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