Thread: WoW Emulators
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Old 01-10-2008, 12:21 AM
Join Date: Dec 2003
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note about linuix: I switched Over to gentoo for about 3 days on a test server and it was so frustrating to install.
once i had it installed it was very complacated to operate.
even basic functions like compileing or getting DHCP to discover my LAN got to be troublesome...
finally after playing with it for over 3 weeks and still nowhere near a decent server I gave up on it and switched back to windoze...
yes its slower.... but a lot more easier to maintain and operate.
anyone who runs linuix has a LOT of free time on there hands is all I can say and there probbly got pocket protectors
in there front shirt. I for one don't have the time or skillz to run that Monster OS and keep a decent server running.
I know it's a good OS and people swaer by it, but dammm it's not ver friendly and to complacated for us hightech rednecks.
the new thing out is SWG it's on core 3 and a lot of fun from what I hear.
it's going to be my next big project since all the other emus seem to be fadeing a bit in popularity maybe it will be the spark that ignites my userbase again.
hosting Eqemu/Runuo/wow Emulators.
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