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Old 01-16-2008, 06:35 PM
trevius's Avatar
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Default De-level Quest for an Item

You need all 3 parts in the posts following combined for the complete quest.

#quest to de-level a character in exhange For a nice item

if(($text=~/hail/i)&&($ulevel <= 69)){
quest::say("Hello, $name, surely you don't remember, no you wouldn't!  That's right!  If you are here to give me back that nice item I gave you, then go ahead.  Otherwise scram and don't come back until you reach level 70.");
elsif(($text=~/hail/i)&&($ulevel == 70)){
quest::say("Hello, $name, I have a type of quest for you that you have most likely never heard of before.  Let's just say it doesn't come without a heavy [price].");
if(($text=~/price/i)&&($ulevel == 70)){
quest::say("If you are willing to give up your seasoned level 70 experience to me, I can give you an [item] in exchange.  Your experience shall be added to mine to make me even more powerful than I am now!  Ask me about the [item] types I can give you if you want to hear more.");

if(($text=~/item/i)&&($ulevel == 70)){
quest::say("I have items of all sorts.  I have [weapons], [jewelry], [accessories], [caster armor], and [melee armor].");
if(($text=~/weapons/i)&&($ulevel == 70)){
quest::say("Be warned that if you ask for any of these items, I will give you the item And set you back to level 1 immediately after you ask!  The items I can give you are a 1 handed [sword], a 1 handed [blunt] weapon, a [dagger], a 2 handed [axe], a 2 handed [polearm], a [bow], a [shield], Or an [orb].");
if(($text=~/jewelry/i)&&($ulevel == 70)){
quest::say("Be warned that if you ask for any of these items, I will give you the item and set you back to level 1 immediately after you ask!  The items I can give you are a [ring], a [necklace], or an [earring]");
if(($text=~/accessories/i)&&($ulevel == 70)){
quest::say("Be warned that if you ask for any of these items, I will give you the item and set you back to level 1 immediately after you ask!  The items I can give you are a [belt], a [mask], a [cloak], or a [shouderpad] ");
if(($text=~/caster armor/i)&&($ulevel == 70)){
quest::say("Be warned that if you ask for any of these items, I will give you the item and set you back to level 1 immediately after you ask!  The items I can give you are a [robe], [pants], a [wristband], a [cap], [shoes], [sleeves], or [gloves] ");
if(($text=~/melee armor/i)&&($ulevel == 70)){
quest::say("Be warned that if you ask for any of these items, I will give you the item and set you back to level 1 immediately after you ask!  The items I can give you are a [chestplate], [leggings], a [bracer], a [helm], [boots], [vambraces], or [gauntlets]");
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