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Old 03-23-2008, 09:32 AM
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Mattmecks Basement
Posts: 546

Originally Posted by trevius View Post
That is awesome! My world.exe never crashes, but I am sure this will be handy for many that might have lesser stability.

Do you think you could make one that restarts the world.exe on a timer? To have it close out the existing one and start a new one? And if possible give a 30 minute warning countdown in game? I am able to deal with daily server reboots manually to keep mine running in tip top shape, but lower maintenance is always appreciated Plus, that would be extra handy when the server owner goes on vacation for a week :P If you run a windows server, it would probably be unplayable after a week of heavy play.

Just a thought for something extra if you had time. I don't think it is in high demand, but if it wasn't much change from this app, it might not be a bad additional program to have
I'm almost done with this tool for you. It will actually telnet into your server... send a message to everyone telling them the world will shutdown... then after that grace period timer ends.. it will end the world process and restart it. All of the timers are completely customizable as well as the emote it sends out to the players (including the color of the emote). All customizations will be done through a single config file (Timers run by milliseconds 1000 = 1sec 60000 = 1minute etc... Maximum that you can run a timer is 1 week.).. I just need a tester to test this script for me.
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