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Old 04-11-2008, 06:26 AM
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 26

to modify my prior post wildcardx was the one who did it not windcatcher my appology wind now that said peq isnt eqemu is it that is a seperate project, and if he is incharge of that project it doesnt or shouldnt grant him developer titles and powers here unless he is developing code for the emu

To see all the disagreement bans simply look in the memberslist or the idiot posters category which i must say is REAL mature to call others an idiot publicly like that great work admins oh yeah thats really going to encourage others to be involved...

Amra i would suggest you either calm down or stop posting you show both your ignorance and immaturity with such a rude post so i give you a thought... grow up or shut up and 0.7 is not 3 years old and code is code 1 day or 10 years it is still MY Code and shouldnt have been ripped off the way it was. as for "random crap" it is far from that it was a suggestion and concern as was previously explained and you are just an immature and rude angry persona nd i have no further time to waste on YOU.

As for wildcardx (AGAIN SORRY WINDCATCHER) he did steal my code and delete my posts my code was part of the fixes that made this compatable with mysql 5 yet you dont see any mention of it not comming from anyone but him and that sickens me opensource or not it still came from MY Brain not his if i wished to press the issue i could easily get a friend involved who knows firsthand that i fixed the code but its not worth my time for one for two it would do no good anyway.

I love how the 15 year old trollers have to come shoot their mouth off in defense and offense please littleone run along your mommy is calling you

i ask that this post be closed or deleted before more flamers and trollers decide to come shoot their mouths off as well