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Old 04-11-2008, 10:19 AM
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Cincinnati, OH
Posts: 689

You know, you aren't the first one to complain about code being ripped off. I know that's one of devn00b's major gripes as well. That's really troubling to me, and I really wish there were some way to heal those old wounds and get things sorted out so that everyone's happy and can get back to what's important; moving this project forward. However, we can only deal with what we're given, and most of the folks doing heavy work now and submitting/committing code weren't around for the past drama.

When was the last time you saw a post from FNW? I think the last time I saw a Doodman post was the whole login server debacle. (Please, oh please, don't let it be a mistake for me to bring that up...)

Are things here a little weird as far as leadership goes? Sure. Have there been mistakes in the past? Absolutely. Will I stop sounding like Donald Rumsfeld, asking myself questions and answering them? Definitely.

The people who have stepped up to keep things in order here and moving forward (Angelox, Mattmeck, Cavedude, and plenty more) have done so in spite of the way the forums have been managed in the past. The people who have been contributing code and fixes (Cavedude listed many, many coders, and there have even been recent ones putting in heavy work like TheLieka, Wild, and KLS) have built upon what's there in the past and might be just lucky enough, like myself, to have come into this project at a time where all the drama seemed like ancient history and they were able to start fresh without it weighing on them.

That's just my cock-eyed, optimistic view of things, though. I'd like to think we can all play nice, everyone can get credit for what they've done, and whatever issues people had with the previous project higher-ups can be shelved, since they aren't even around.