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Old 04-12-2008, 02:28 AM
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 26

i dont care who did it and that was not the only time that my code was ripped off and credit given to another, and that is exactally why all my coding aside from basic basic mysql and perl quests will never be posted.

wild i didnt drag your name through the mud funny how you posted your code with missing changes and AFTER i posted those suddenly "oh i was gunna post that too" doesnt work like that it shows bad form on your part, thats like telling your boss at work that you were going to do someone elses stuff and should get credit for it since they did it before you? thats quite frankly retarted.

cavedude this might surprise you but ironicly i dont have anything to do with peq's database or quests other then writing them ironicly there are more then ax and peq to choose from and oh wow amazingly people can make their own. and frankly the one that i employ is far closer to live then both of those previously mentioned ones combined. so there is no hipocrasy here on my end.

I wont even touch the comments on the login server aside from to say that from my understanding it too was basicly ripped off from image and devn00b by doodman which i must say is pretty sad but dev released it to the public after he quit as a dev and i say right on for that, and while what he posted doesnt compile currently as it is missing functions and class members it is a good start for anyone who can find it on the net still.

funny how the devs answers are always the same when someone claims ripped off code is it not? is it not also funny that it hasnt just been me to make such a claim?

I have tried extremly hard not to go into a flame fest and now i am done it is quite simple if it smells like shit and looks like shit it generally is shit, and it is most certainly shitty that anyones code gets ripped off or claimed by someone else, and if i am not the only one to make such a claim maybe just maybe it is actually a real problem.

How would the developers feel if i took eqemu and changed the entire change log updated some of the code and put it out there with the loginserver code for anyone to download claiming it as MY work? im guessing that wouldnt go over very well, and the principal is the same if this is a community then it should be treated as such not have code stolen cause people say " hey i was going to post that!" how idiotic is that could you IMAGINE in a million years that flying at any normal buisiness?

yeah real mature ban me and delete it that is real mature i have broken no rule. even cavedude actually found some of the stuff i was refering to actually lending credence to what i said

and all you are doing by saying delete and ban him is showing that i was right anyone who disagrees gets banned so thank you for showing the entire community what i said was infact true and proving my point! by the way little boy i am probably twice your age