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Old 05-04-2008, 08:41 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 6
Default this server is horrible

This server started off decent till end game all casters suck, you pretty much have to be a melee and box a wiz/druid for ports and i wouldnt pvp anyone till you get in a guild cause since its a pvp server and you pvp people they take offense to it greatly and have alot of problems when you kill them you get alot of /whispers to you. The GMs suck it took them 24hrs to do a roll back cause they couldnt figure how in the world to do it. It takes them weeks sometimes months to get back to you when your missing items which happend to me atleast 20x and the GMs work with certain people to get other people in trouble its chaos. The pvp balance sucks ass its horrible they just keep nerfing one class after another and no maps are enabled its far from classic pvp. This is just a corrupt server i would never go back to it
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