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Old 05-31-2008, 02:18 PM
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 43

I've been playing pretty much since the beginning of the server and I have no complaints of GM corruption. I always thought that they were being one sided with me or my guild but when all the information came out, I realized I was wrong. There probably are some imbalances (I hear mages can nuke through walls now as per their bolt with its innate no LoS, which is pretty ridiculous if its true).

I played a wizard all through the melee dominance period (in which I was literally one of a hand full of people who played a pure caster) and I can attest to the fact that most of the imbalancing whine is made by people who are a) too lazy to figure out how to get around it or b) people who don't know any better. There are ways around every imbalancing issue and as a PvP'er, you should know how to get around them, ie I just never went into dungeons as a wizard because it meant an instant death.

There are ways around everything and every PvP'er should take pride in figuring out ways around it.
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