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Old 06-02-2008, 10:50 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 145

If you like to pvp this server is a lot of fun, I have been playing here for few months now and it has been a blast. Have I gotten pked alot?? YES, Have I pked alot of people??? YES. PvP makes it more challanging to camp items, exp because you have to watch your back. To the guy that was saying you can't pvp here thats very wrong. If you kill someone and they come back with a group for you just remember that there will always be a time when you catch them alone and can exact your revenge. I know I have a few people on my /who all playername hotkeys. I keep them handy and when I find them alone blam!!!! Revenge is sweet.

As far as balance goes, there always seems to be one or 2 classes that are on top but the GM's seem to adjust (nerf if you want) the over powered classes to bring them more in line with the other classes. I have stuck with the same 2 classes (monk and shammy) since I started playing and I have done fairly well in both pvp and pve.

As far as GM service and hacking, this has to be one of the best EMU's for anti hacking tools, the warp detector does go off when it shouldn't some times but if it wasn't there hacking would be rampant especially because this is a pvp server. For a free server I think that gm's respond fairly quickly, we had an incident in plane of fear one of the gm's helped us get our corpses within an hour. I also had a bugged character one time, it took a day, but once NULL was online he spent 2 hours of his time troubleshooting and fixxing my toon, when he could have spent 5 minutes rolling me back. In my eyes this is pretty decent free service since these guys have jobs and lives.

Anyway, I just had to post soemthing about my experience after reading some of the not so favorable reviews, so if you like pvp and enjoy a little drama instead of the same old camp / lvl / quest grind come try this out.

Oh yea should mention the guys just added a few custom loots / mobs for us while we are waiting for Kunark to be released.
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