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Old 06-14-2008, 03:09 PM
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: UK
Posts: 1,540
Default Adding Placeable objects to azone generated map files

An issue with the maps generated by azone at present is that they do not include
placeable objects.

Many placeable objects are inconsequential for LOS, e.g. trees, boulders, wall decorations,
however there are some large/important objects that are classed as 'placeable', e.g. some bridges
and buildings.

For example, the buildings in Potranquility (bank etc). If you fear a mob in those buildings
they will just run straight through the walls, and some of the bankers are sunk up into their
neck in the ground because as far as LOS/BestZ is concerned, the buildings don't exist.

I have spent the last couple of days adding the ability to azone to include placeable objects in
the map files.

While it is not ready to release yet, mainly because you currently have to edit the source to
specify the id numbers of the placeable models you want included, here is a potranquility map
for people to test with (this includes the geometry for the walls and floors of the buildings
I referred to above (and that is the only extra thing it includes, i.e. no trees etc).

If you fear in mob in the buildings before and after dropping this into your Maps directory,
you will see the difference. You can also try casting on a mob inside the building while you
are outside (with the old map it will let you, even though you can't see your target).

If anyone has any zones where they are desperate for certain placeable objects to be included,
(S3D or EQG) let me know and I'll see if I can cook you up a map with those objects included.
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