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Old 06-16-2008, 02:47 AM
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Reno baby YEAH LOL
Posts: 123

get the phpscript posted on these forums and use that to update your ip of the account your zoning prior to zoning and you can two box there have been other solutions including launchers that worked as a client server app to do the ip updates as well but I Dont know if they are still active for download or not I have a solution I used that was similar to the client server app to handle authentication and ip updating as a standalone addon to my minilogin setup but i stoped working on it cause I dont have the time to keep the project up to date and work on my Custom zones and so forth for my server...

Long story short as long as you get that script here on the minilogin forum and use it before zoning the character two boxing is rather easy with minilogin, you dont need multiple computers to do it you just have to add a step or two to your zoning process
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