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Old 07-22-2008, 07:34 AM
Forum Guide
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 468

Originally Posted by lanileb View Post
Sounds like you're making a Krusher's Semi-Legit server 2.0! Yea, there's demand for a server like that. Krusher's was really popular back in the day until he had to take the server down. If you need help with some of the programming parts of it I can help out. I was one of the head dev's on Krusher's for a few months. Wish I still had the quests I implemented on there a new computer and now I don't have the files anymore.
hmmm, I probably could use some help. Aside from a little knowledge about writting quests and some database work, I wasn't really planning on making too many changes. My big issue with live EQ is speed of combat, so I hope to make some minor tweaks to min/max damage and probably going through the stats on all pets. I know people get bored with it when they are max level and get all the gear they want, but I was hoping to plan some sceduled zone pops and things like that. Maybe add some really cool click effect items that don't imbalance anything, but add a level of fun.
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