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Old 08-01-2008, 09:49 PM
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 659
Default Nicholas

# NPC:  Nicholas
# Zone:  Rathe Mountains
# Quest:  Boots of Ro
# Author: Unknown
# Updated:  Andrew80k
sub EVENT_SAY { 
      quest::say("Greetings, friend.  I am the keeper of the [Boots of Ro].  Please rest here with us in our camp of righteousness.  No harm can come to you while we paladins keep watch.");
   if($text=~/boots of ro/i){
      if ($faction <=5) {  # indifferent or better to get the quest
         quest::say("If you desire the mold needed for smithing the Boots of Ro, then first, you shall prove your power.  I have long sought an ancient holy weapon called the brazen brass kilij.  I have heard rumors of detailed plans on how to make it, coming from Faydwer.  Seek out the kilij plans.  Bring them to me and you shall have the mold.");
      } else {
         quest::say("You and I must be brothers and serve the Lord of Underfoot.  Go to Kaladim and serve her cathedral.  When you think you are ready. then ask Lord Datur if you are an [honored member] of the temple.  If the answer is yes.  then I will trust you.");
    if ($faction <=5) {
       if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount,12206=>1)) { # Kilij Plans
          quest::say("Ahh!!  The kilij!!  The legend was true.  As for you..  the mold for the Boots of Ro.  Go and speak with Thomas for the final component.  Ask him of [Lord Searfire].  Brell be with you.");
          quest::summonitem(12304);  # Mold of the Boots of Ro
          quest::faction(44,2); # Clerics of Underfoot
          quest::faction(169,2); #Kazon Stormhammer
          quest::faction(219,2); #Miner's guild 249
       } else {
          quest::say("I do not need this, friend.");
    } else {
       quest::say("I do not need this, friend.");

#END of FILE Zone:rathemtn  ID:50110 -- Nicholas
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