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Old 08-02-2008, 10:43 AM
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 659
Default Rathe Mountains: Marianna
This one is mostly right, but I will need to update it once I get the turn in dialog from the rotted shark meat. You can put it in or wait if you want.

# Marianna
# Zone:  Rathe Mountains
# Quest: Vambraces of Ro
# Author: Unknown
# Updated:  Andrew80k
sub EVENT_SAY { 
      quest::say("Rodcet Nife welcomes you into our noble camp.  I am the keeper of the [Vambraces of Ro].");
   if($text=~/vambraces of ro/i){
      if($faction <=5){
         quest::say("The mold will be offered to you when you have performed a task for the Temple of Life.  The oceans near our home are host to a plague..  the plague sharks!!  They have been infected with a deadly malady which has been turning up in the Qeynos Hills.  Kill the sharks and bring me two of their rotten shark portions as proof.");
      } else {
         quest::say("Foolish person!! The word is out amongst the followers of the Prime Healer not to trust you."); 
   if(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount,12310=>2) && $faction <=5 ) {
      quest::say("You have done it! Here is the Vambraces mold.");  # fix this when I can get rotted shark meat on live
      quest::faction("184","1"); #Knights of Truth
      quest::faction("104","-1"); # Freeport Militia
      quest::faction("257","1"); # Priests of Life  -- This is a guess
#END of FILE Zone:rathemtn  ID:50114 -- Marianna
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