Thread: Zone Instancing
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Old 09-17-2008, 05:13 PM
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 1,032

Originally Posted by Andrew80k View Post
Totally agree. LDoN was great and I spent lots of time there. And most folks that I played with liked it as well. Problem was GoD. It was TERRIBLE. Poorly implemented and the zones were so much more difficult and the itemization was awful. It took me forever to get a good enough group together to get Qvic access because you had to have the right group it seemed like. It wasn't much fun. Of course EQ2 and WoW came out that was sort of the perfect storm and people left in droves.
I honestly liked GoD =)
I liked the theme and the thrill
The problem was that content and DIFICULY was designed with lev 70 in mind
The dev group that was handling content was not aware till very last moment that there is no level cap increase planed

As result GoD monsters (past Qumini) were all dumped down 5 level to become 62-70 instead of 67-75, but they all retained their insane hp and insane dps, so taking 5 levels off wasn't much of a fix at all

Raiding there of course was out of the quetsion for my guild - to go past Qumini you need to be allready WELL Elementaly geared, and we were rigth about stack at Ralos Zek =)

OoW tried to fix the gaps in GoD essentialy and win peopel back with epics 1.5 and 2.0, but then Eq2/WoW hit liek a truck and thats prety much where fun has ended
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