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Old 10-21-2008, 04:34 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: USA
Posts: 22
Default am I overlooking a GM command?

Hey folks,

I just reviewed the command list in the wiki and perhaps i'm overlooking something, but I can't figure out (assuming it's even possible) how I would "posess" an already spawned NPC. I didn't see /becomenpc on the list of commands.

I guess I could #kill the npc, #permarace, #permagender, and #name and turn myself into something that looked like the NPC (naked anyway), and then I would have to summon and add items to inventory, but players wouldn't be able to attack me unless we were both PVP+.

Is there an easier way? Or is it impossible to directly control an NPC? I know there are a lot of things I can do indirectly...

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