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Old 11-09-2008, 09:22 PM
trevius's Avatar
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I am trying to take a second look into getting this fixed. Looking at the code, there is something that I don't understand the purpose of, and if possible, maybe it could be used for level2 instead.

** Level Update
** Length: 12 Bytes
struct LevelUpdate_Struct
/*00*/ uint32 level;                  // New level
/*04*/ uint32 level_old;              // Old level
/*08*/ uint32 exp;                    // Current Experience
I am not sure what the point of level_old is. Maybe that is supposed to be level2. If so, then I think the solution to fix this bug wouldn't be too bad. I think we could change the code above to this:

** Level Update
** Length: 12 Bytes
struct LevelUpdate_Struct
/*00*/ uint32 level;                  // New level
/*04*/ uint32 level2;              // Level2 for retaining max level reached (Don't think this is used anywhere)
/*08*/ uint32 exp;                    // Current Experience
Then, in exp.cpp change this:
        EQApplicationPacket* outapp = new EQApplicationPacket(OP_LevelUpdate, sizeof(LevelUpdate_Struct));
        LevelUpdate_Struct* lu = (LevelUpdate_Struct*)outapp->pBuffer;
        lu->level = set_level;
        lu->level_old = level;
        level = set_level;

                Raid *r = this->GetRaid();
                        r->UpdateLevel(GetName(), set_level);

        if(set_level > m_pp.level) { // Yes I am aware that you could delevel yourself and relevel this is just to test!
                m_pp.points += 5 * (set_level - m_pp.level);

#ifdef EMBPERL
                ((PerlembParser*)parse)->Event(EVENT_LEVEL_UP, 0, "", (NPC*)NULL, this);

        m_pp.level = set_level;
To this:
        EQApplicationPacket* outapp = new EQApplicationPacket(OP_LevelUpdate, sizeof(LevelUpdate_Struct));
        LevelUpdate_Struct* lu = (LevelUpdate_Struct*)outapp->pBuffer;
        lu->level = set_level;

                Raid *r = this->GetRaid();
                        r->UpdateLevel(GetName(), set_level);

#ifdef EMBPERL
                ((PerlembParser*)parse)->Event(EVENT_LEVEL_UP, 0, "", (NPC*)NULL, this);

        m_pp.level = set_level;
        if(set_level > m_pp.level2) {
                m_pp.points += 5 * (set_level - m_pp.level2);
                m_pp.level2 = set_level;
And, I think this SQL would add the level2 field to the character_ table:
ALTER TABLE `character_` ADD column `level2` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '1';
Note that I haven't tested this yet, and am not sure if it would work or not. But, at least it should be a start to getting this bug resolved. Anyone have thoughts on it so far?
Trevazar/Trevius Owner of: Storm Haven
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