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Old 11-13-2008, 03:12 PM
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Cincinnati, OH
Posts: 689

KLS: Tweaks to /pet attack
KLS: Renamed WhipeHateList to WipeHateList so I never have to view that spelling monster ever again.
Sorry, couldn't resist.

And now that I'm here, I guess I'd better contribute in some fashion...

The client hatelist was what caused the whole zone-wide training problem by not being cleared on things like feign death and Call of the Hero. It was done away with entirely, though it probably could've stayed so long as it was cleared properly. However, since then, quite a few things that depended upon it (like the NPC fleeing code) have been tweaked to work without it. If that is indeed the reason that pets are acting screwy, I'm sure it can be remedied by a similar fix.

And yes, there definitely needs to be more reading of that sticky =/ I try to give good feedback whenever I can get a set of binaries and try things out, but it's kind of a pain when we wind up breaking one thing while fixing another. I know that was Sony's policy, but we don't have to follow that one if we don't want to =P
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