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Old 11-30-2008, 04:14 PM
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 1,175

A new lair, somewhere...

I'm adding lots of spawns and pathing to the six zones that come with SimpleClient, and loot where applicable. I'm also improving some zones as necessary, as with The Namtarn, here. I had hoped for a release this weekend, but there is simply too much to do. At this point I'm planning on releasing everything around Christmas. There will be new versions of OpenZone, the Admin Tool, SimpleClient, and OpenZone textures. I want to make every zone viable for play, which means mobs and loot, and merchants, guildmasters, etc. in player zones. The Namtarn will allow play up to level 20, though you will probably need to group for the rooms in it. There are also lots of new spells since the last release, though no visible spell effects as yet, and of course lots of bugfixes and some new features in each app.
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