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Old 12-13-2008, 01:10 PM
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 374
Default Titanium and Wine

Has anyone had any luck since wine made it past 1.0?

I just tried installing the titanium client again and am still having the no model issue. I can get into the game fine and run around, set all my options and interact with the other "ghosts" in the world, just no models. It has to be a d3d.dll file that needs to be set as native or something?

The only other issue I can see is that I need to play it in windowed mode otherwise the mouse gets trapped in the center of the screen and I can only move it in a small 2" x 2" box.

Anyway I figured I would beat on this dead horse a bit more and if anyone cares to join me I would love some help to try to finally solve this one.
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