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Old 01-17-2009, 02:53 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 197
Default open beta testing for classic legit pve


First of all, let me express my utmost respect and gratitude to the eqemu community. Great project with great teamwork. I would still be wishing for something like this had you guys not created it.

I have been working on a legit classic pve server for months and I figure it is time to let people know!

Currently named, project 1999 - legit pve classic beta testing

I have worked extensively on the database to provide an early classic feel.. in regards to npcs and loot drops.

brief list of highlights
-will be progressive through velious
-created cazic thule to original specifications, rubicite included
-remade runnyeye to original, pre-pickclaw invasion status (still working on this)
-accurate loot drop percentages..named mobs should drop things appropriately with no empty loot tables.
-removed a myriad of non classic mobs and disabled kunark - onward mobs until their appropriate release
-created rare and very rare mobs to their original specifications (e.g. prince kyrmt keroppi, dunedigger, yymp the infernal and other mobs i haven't seen on the other emus.)

I'm still learning things daily to improve the server.. and was hoping to have everything ready before I made a post like this. However, I think I might get better feedback and ideas by letting the community dig up their classic memories. Most everyone hunted different things and has unique, invaluable information.

If you enjoyed classic eq.. come check out my server, give opinions and/or suggestions. Any help is appreciated.

Hope to see you there.

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