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Old 01-30-2009, 01:53 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Detroit, MI
Posts: 6

Hey Les,

I went home last night to try some things out and it seems as if I can not get EQ to run now. Now that being said, I am going to try and explain this as best as I can.

To start this off I have been reading a ton on this thread and I think there are a couple things I can try.

Basically, I installed your package (the 1-24-09 one) and was able to get it running after messing with it for a while. To be honest, I am not sure exactly how I got it to work, but it ended up running just fine that night. I shut down the machine and then when I booted it back up, it wont work anymore.

Now when I go to start the mysql server on the gui I get the quick flash of a black screen which is normal, but everytime I try to run any of the utilities, i get an error about how it can not find a mysql server running. I forgot to take screen shots (I apologize for that), but the errors were that it could not connect to MySQL. I made sure to restart the MySql service and that did not work either.

After reading the post (linked above) I think I need to make sure that the W drive is being mapped. I did try to uninstall the repak and then reinstall it, but that did not work. So I messed with it a little bit last night and got frustrated so I gave up.

So when I get home today I am going to uninstall everything and then make sure that there is no trace left, then reinstall it all again and check for the W drive.

Couple of questions on a few things that I was not clear on...

When using that newest repack, Do I need to download and install Perl or MySql? I have never used these before so I am not familiar on how those work. I thought that could be an issue and I actually install MySql and GUI tools from the site (sorry no version number since I am at work), I think it was version 5. something... not the beta release of 6 though. I also installed Strawberry Perl?? I was not sure which one to install as far as that goes either... and I think that may have broken something too.

From all the reading that I have done over the past couple of days, I am under the assumption that I just need your Repack and some maps to run the game locally on my lan?

Also, the difference between the AX classic and the PEQ is that the AX one is old school EQ right? With the boats and old mobs/zones? I would then believe that PEQ is a newer version?

I know you guys field a ton of questions on this and are constantly working on making it better, so I apologize if I am being an annoyance. I know I am close to getting to to work. I do appreciate all the info and help you have given so far.

I will get screenshots & logs (if I can find them) and all the jazz so I can post it here for ya.

Thanks again!
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