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Old 02-24-2009, 02:22 AM
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 48

Originally Posted by Fadedspirit View Post
Myself, along with one other person, were the first individuals to hit 50 on the server. I can tell you with complete confidence that NO ONE leveled from 1 to 50 with fabled weapons. Every time I hear someone being a crybaby about fabled weapons, it's normally because that the individual they are crying about didn't know fables aren't supposed to be in.

My character is Braxton, the first 50 warrior on the server, looted a Fabled Dragoon Dirk at level 28, proceded to level 32 before seeing a GM doing server announcements about fables being removed as they weren't supposed to be in. RIGHT at that moment, at level 32, I deleted the fabled dragoon dirk (9/23, piercing) that i was doing about 16-28dmg with per swing.....and replaced it with my Forged 2handed sword(12/44 ?) that was doing around 80-105 dmg per swing. In NO WAY was leveling with a fabled weapon OP enough to warrant a wipe on the server. Additionally, the only fabled weapons dropping were the Fabled Dragoon Dirks, as they had caught most of the more famous fabled mobs earlier.

I am tired of seeing QQing little kids coming on our wonderful server, crying and cursing in /ooc because they saw level 50s already(who leveled hardcore and legitly with ONLY 1.5x XP bonus) and say the server needs a wipe because they have to ACTUALLY do a corpse run on a progression server. If you seriously think cursing and calling GM's "worthless noobs with no lives" in /ooc.....expect TO BE BANNED.


-edited for clarity, and spelling-
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