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Old 02-26-2009, 03:02 AM
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 1,348

Mmm well I'll answer the ones that pertain to me as I haven't looked at CD's stuff yet.

Basically there's 3 levels of hit falloff: minor moderate and major. Minor is inside the level range of the defender which I believe is (level / 4) + 3 or something close to that. Basically what this minor rule says is over those levels you will lose up to 5% hit.

Then there's moderate which is the three levels over the minor range so (level / 4) + 6, what this says is if we're in this range we then lose the 5% hit from minor then 7% hit over those 3 levels.

Then the major is just some factor for the falloff past that which as you can see jumps in a huge way. I believe it works out to 50% for every 12 levels outside of the moderate range.

So for a level 48 spider: they can hit a level 63 before they start getting the 2nd level of falloff and can hit a 66 before they really start getting major fall off.

Hopefully you understood that! The weapon skill is a lot easier.

Say you have 100 weapon skill and your maximum at this level is 180:
180-100 = 80 * 0.33 = 26.3% hit lost from your main calculation. And yes it does mean a situation like that can happen but it's small enough that it's not likely to be noticeable except over long periods of time where your weapon skill would max out anyway.

From a purely logical standpoint yes those in plate would dodge more but from a gameplay standpoint I'm not sure I want those warrior tanks breaking down my door just... you can have them if you'd like. =p

A separate mod for each class is doable, it just wasn't something I was willing to invest the time in at that time though. I'll see about changing it up.
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