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Old 03-22-2009, 09:02 AM
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: In a house
Posts: 150

Personally i wouldnt want the source to the LS Released however a precompiled version? that would be awesome even if they limited the ammount of servers that can connect to it and what not it would be a huge step up from minilogin. that all said devnoob is hosting a new LS that is apparently compatable with the latest servers, so obviously its not impossible to make one.. perhaps more people should make an attempt at it I dunno/

I do know that while Trevius has alot of valid points not all server owners are worried about numbers and exposure, some of us want a private server for just some friends or what not to play on that isnt, dependant on the public ls or in which people that live in the same house with the same ip have to go through a ton of steps to be able to play at the same time, a precompiled non ip based LS would be ideal for such situations.

There comes a time when paranoia of fork projects being made is overshadowed by the benefits to the project to give solutions that are adequate to everyones needs. a Good public LS would be a plus but so would a solution better then minilogin for people who dont want to be on the public ls but need a solution that isnt IP Based
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