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Old 03-24-2009, 01:15 PM
devn00b's Avatar
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Originally Posted by fault View Post
not true the memory in the full system may be shared, but you get your Guaranteed amount. you are Guaranteed 1gig always and have bursts of up to 4

and cpu restrictions? 1and1 imposes none everyone gets fair share. I have also never seen more then 2 clients on a single 1and1 VPS I am sure the dual core AMD cpus can handle what you throw at it. for heavens sake Ive had antrix, eAthena, and EQemu all running on it at the same time No speed issues no lag nothing.

Sure i can compare it, using both types i can say for the price vps' outweigh dedicateds at every step.

and again please donot get caught up in the vps is a security risk mythology, vps only have the same risks as any type of service it is up to you the user to secure it.

if this sounds rude, it isnt dont take it as such if you do I apologize. but from experience VPS > dedicated for the cost with no real speed or security decrease. you can pay 60 a month for a vps or 200+ for a dedicated with the same setup with no real difference except how it is hosted
The vps you had on there was serving a 100K+ user forums, a loginserver, a LARGE wiki? That's going to be a lot of active connections, and cpu usage. Reguardless of what you say VPS systems are never a fully secure option. anything that gets shared can be cracked. Just matters how badly you want to.
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