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Old 03-25-2009, 10:19 AM
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 1,290

Originally Posted by So_1337 View Post
I usually give Devn00b a pass on his bitter posts, as I know that he's been slighted in the past. I know that there has been some serious drama in the community, long before I developed an interest in the project (which I'll readily admit is about all I'm capable of developing around here =P). However, even with past drama, all I know of are the admins and developers that I've seen in my time here and the fact that they work their tails off making this thing happen for everyone else. They do it for nothing more than appreciation and whatever drives them internally to do so. Anyone who makes this a hassle for them threatens it for all of us.

That said, I think Trevius said it best; please just stop, Devn00b. The current development team is doing their damnedest to get things moved to a host where we won't be dealing with further issues. We even got a post out of Doodman giving the situation on things, which was much appreciated along with everything else he's done in the past. It's just time for it to be passed off to people who are more actively involved, and he's doing that. So in the meantime? Your login is fine and well, but it's seemed like a bitter pill to swallow all along. Quite honestly, you've done such a smear job of the current EQEmu setup every time that you post about it that I would refuse to use it simply out of spite.

I'm doing my best to not even touch on the elephant in the room, which is WildCard's post... If what he says is true (and when has he ever lied to us or openly bashed the community here, unlike someone else?) then I'm really surprised that your recent posts have been as tolerated as they have.

Image, I don't know your situation, as most of your posts seemed well-intentioned and most of the real negativity seems to stem from Devn00b. Thanks for what you're doing, but you should probably pick your partners better in the future.

I'll keep my faith in the current developers and have patience while the switch happens. Thanks for all you do, KLS, Derision, Trevius, WildCard, Dax, Angelox (deny it all you want, but you know you belong in this list!), everyone else who keeps things moving around here.
Honestly I think devn00b has a special place in his heart for eqemu too; just a different way of expressing it. If I have to be judged by who my friends are so be it, but he has been a good friend to me for over 8 years, friendships like that are not so easily broken.

He has a great family, a smart and beautiful daughter who I know is going to make well with her life. You may only see one side to him, but I see one completely different.

While we don't always agree on everything, it is not my right to tell him his business. I don't really have anything more I can say about this other than if you went through as much as I have with devn00b, you wouldn't judge him so easily.
EQ2Emu Developer
Former EQEMu Developer / GuildWars / Zek Seasons Servers
Member of the "I hate devn00b" club.