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Old 03-28-2009, 11:37 AM
AX Classic Developer
Join Date: May 2006
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Posts: 2,049

Sorry I'm so stupid at times, I just get brain damaged of some things - don't know why I can't understand this.
I think I posted a reply in your other thread, that might make sense on what I was needing.

Must be old age!

Hey! but I know "I got my ducks in a row"; My little grandson came in my house the other day (hes a kindergarten'r), He worries about me, so he brought me these small, yellow, marsh-mellow ducks, about 5, all stuck together, all in a row, and said "Grandpaw, this is for you, so you can have all your ducks in a row too!"
Hah! now that I think of it, I bet my son-in-law probably made the comment and the kid heard "That old man don't have all his ducks in a row!" (something he would say) - That's cool, I know my ducks are more in line than he thinks his are
Anyway, I got those ducks in the freezer, and hope to live long enough to see that kid turn 15-16 years old, so I can again pull them out of the freezer and say Hey Travis! see? I still got all my ducks in a row!
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