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Old 03-29-2009, 09:23 AM
Bob Jackson
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 4

Just who are the "powers that be"? Im not asking for names or addresses - just "the developers" or "some guy that wrote in when DOS was mainstream". It is becomming obvious that whoever it is doesn't care whether it's up or down. Is it that hard 2 create a login server? I have seen mini logins advertised and classiceq is distributing their own.

If something isnt done soon the eqemu common server concept is gonna flush with each server going independant. There is support (i'e seen posts offering money and time) for setting up another server. Is there anyone who will take the lead on that? Exacttly what are we waiting for? Does anyone really believe that this is anything other than neglect?

Bob Jackson
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