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Old 04-04-2009, 02:47 AM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 32

also Richardo, please leave whatever personal issues you have with our staff members at the door.

the server is not infested with cheaters (albeit I'm sure there are a few that we haven't caught.. yet), as soon as a cheater is caught, appropriate action is taken. we have a lively staff that provides in game help 40-60 hours a week, every week. as well as an active Dev team pumping out content, and preparing for Velious. not to mention we are also currently hosting the class BotB events which have been a lot of fun so far. so before you go off talking badly about VZ/TZ, why don't you try logging in once in awhile? granted we have a "colorful" community, the amount of cheating is at a minimum.

- Sirken
VZ/TZ Staff