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Old 06-05-2009, 01:45 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 3

konke67 is correct on some points like the bind camping in city, the GMs are not that hard on this rule.
i have seen sevral ppl bind camping others in city and killing ppl over and over again and no one have done anything about it and the one that have CC someone in a city will run around free with out any bann.
And about the resist hack, if im not fully wrong that alot of stats incl resist client side? was along time i checked over EQEmu files and other stuff, nowdays i just play for fun.
But if im not fully wrong then changing your Stats/resist would work client side, i dont know how this server is setup and how it handel things and how things is handel nowdays, but this wasent the point anyway.
The point is about corpse camping/bind camping someone in city even that is against the rules is something that alot of ppl do and i know alot of ppl do petition about this and complaining about they are getting bind/corspe camped in citys.
All other things on the server is working great and the GMs is doing a amazing work and very good and respons alot faster then from Live servers and they are doing this for free.
Not to say something bad about the GMs or the work, im just saying that the bindcamping rule isent working great and should be changed or do something about, rest of the stuff on the server is great, except that if you ask something in OOC alot of ppl will call you bad things and other stuff and tell you to use google or other thing, so if you are new a tip dont ask stuff in OOC then you will just be spammed with bad words and language from other players in OOC.
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