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Old 06-17-2009, 07:53 PM
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I actually think I finally may have figured this whole thing out, lol.

Right before going to bed last night, it occurred to me that the way Live currently sends AA information may be the same way they always have, just with a bit of a conversion. Basically, the increase in max_level for each AA that has an increase is causing it to send an additional separate AA table packet with the same skill id. This is a bit hard to explain clearly without showing someone the exact packet stuff I am talking about, which I am not going to do in this post :P

I was thinking about the Player Profile and how to use both clients with the same PP without causing issues. That is why I originally added the sof_next_skill field to the alt_vars table. I was hoping to be able to make some code that would be able to figure out when and where to do conversions similar to how to convert slots between SoF and Titanium, but quite a bit more involved. If my latest theory is correct, it might not be very involved at all!

How it will work is we will need to adjust the alt_vars table to fill in the sof_next_skill field for all AAs that have upgraded versions. I may need to rename that field since if this works, it would actually be more like the pre-req field, accept that all further upgraded AAs would also have the same ID as the previous ones for this field, and that ID is always going to be the original AA that now has increased max_level instead of upgraded versions.

I guess I should just give up on trying to explain this for now, lol. I will just test it and verify if it actually works as I think or not. If so, then I will make the required adjustments and make additional updates to the Wiki in relation to these new fields so people creating AAs will know how to populate them. I think this change might be a very simple one, just doing a simple check to see if the AAs are an upgraded version and if so, then send the skill id of the original AA they are upgrades to instead of the new skill ID. I am sure this post is hard to understand, but my theory makes clear sense to me and it makes sense of why I see things from Live packet collects that I didn't previously understand. It also clears up how to deal with the table changes as well as how to deal with the Player Profile all in 1 fix. There may need to be a few extra tweaks after this to get all AAs fully functional in SoF that are currently working in Titanium, but it shouldn't be anything too major.

After I have the table working correctly for SoF, we will be able to finish off populating it. I am sure some of the AAs will need to be moved to different tabs in the AA window and also some probably have the incorrect expansion listed for them as well, but those are just minor issues. I will post the full table again once I have the upgrade stuff worked out. I am very glad to finally be making progress on AAs in SoF as they are IMO the last remaining major issue with SoF. And even though they might be the biggest issue, probably 90% of them already work, so it isn't even really that huge of an issue.

With a little luck, I will have some good news about SoF AAs later tonight
Trevazar/Trevius Owner of: Storm Haven
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