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Old 07-08-2009, 02:08 AM
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: California
Posts: 814

Okay, thanks for the sanity check, Trev.

Ignore all of the code posted in the thread up to this point.

After some real trial and error work, I was able to whittle things down to the point that static object loading now works perfectly straight out of the existing object table and with only the single following code addition:

File: zone.cpp, Line 181 - LoadZoneObjects()
    while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(result))) {

    // -- New Code Start

      if (row[9][0] == '0')
        // Type == 0 - Static Object
        const char* shortname = database.GetZoneName(atoi(row[1]), false); // zoneid -> zone_shortname

        if (shortname)
          Door d;
          memset(&d, 0, sizeof(d));

          strncpy(d.zone_name, shortname, sizeof(d.zone_name));
          d.db_id = -1; // Client doesn't care if multiples end up with the same id's
          d.door_id = -1; // For either of these
          d.pos_x = atof(row[2]); // xpos
          d.pos_y = atof(row[3]); // ypos
          d.pos_z = atof(row[4]); // zpos
          d.heading = atof(row[5]); // heading

          strncpy(d.door_name, row[8], sizeof(d.door_name)); // objectname
          // Strip trailing "_ACTORDEF" if present. Client won't accept it for doors.
          int len = strlen(d.door_name);
          if ((len > 9) && (memcmp(&d.door_name[len - 9], "_ACTORDEF", 10) == 0))
            d.door_name[len - 9] = '\0';
          memcpy(d.dest_zone, "NONE", 5);
          if ((d.size = atoi(row[11])) == 0) // unknown08 = optional size percentage
            d.size = 100;

          switch (d.opentype = atoi(row[12])) // unknown10 = optional request_nonsolid (0 or 1 or experimental number)
            case 0:
              d.opentype = 31;
            case 1:
              d.opentype = 9;

          d.incline = atoi(row[13]); // unknown20 = optional model incline value

          Doors* door = new Doors(&d);


    // -- New Code End

      Object_Struct data = {0};
      uint32 id = 0;

- To classify an object record as a static object, set the type to 0. The client doesn't consider 0 a valid object type, so we'll never use it for a valid tradeskill object anyway.

- itemid, charges, and icon are ignored for static objects

- unknown08 serves as the optional Size field, a percentage from 1 to 32767%. Leaving it at 0 renders at normal size (100%).

- unknown10 serves as the optional Request_NonSolid field. If set to 1, the object is rendered as opentype 9, which for some smaller models (e.g., chest1) makes them mostly walk-through. Mileage will vary on a per-model basis.

- unknown20 serves as the optional Incline field, tilting the rendered model along the y axis. Not likely to be used... ever, really, but it's there if someone wants it.

- all other unknown## fields are ignored

I don't know about any limit on the number of static objects the client is willing to take. It lets us use the same door_id value for all of the static objects, so we're not limited by the fact that door_id is a signed 8-bit field, which was my initial concern with adding the objects as doors.

I tried everything I could to get the static objects to send to the client as actual objects, sending all sorts of different values for various fields in the Object struct being sent to the client, but no matter what, the client would always open the player's inventory when the object was clicked on. It's just the way it's wired for objects.

It doesn't seem to matter much, though, since they seem to work quite nicely as nonfunctional doors.

Anyway, give it a try and see if it looks ready for committing, Trev. Seems to work very well now. Thanks again for steering me back to the objects table. It really works out better this way.

Now to work on the in-game command for it.

- Shendare
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