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Old 07-19-2009, 03:01 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Az
Posts: 3
Default Semi-Complex network setup with MiniLogin

Hey all, I am having some trouble with a few network related issues and MiniLogin.

First: Is there any way to let two PCs from the same router connect to your server over the internet on two different accounts? Right now it just logs the second user into the first account and if they zone it disconnects the first character.

Second: Is there any way to let external users access the LoginServer over the internet, and still be able to log onto the server from a local ip? For example, you would have a GM account that connects from to a server at which also can be reached over the internet from a public ip address.

Right now when trying to connect locally the ip address shows up correctly in minilogin ( but in the server log it shows as trying to connect with my routers ip (

Basically my users look like this,


[user 1] ----[server]-------[user 2]


[user 3]-----[user 4]

Second LAN

Thanks, if anyone has any advice please let me know.
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