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Old 08-03-2009, 11:07 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Southern United States
Posts: 107


I've found a few more things that might need looking at.

Using '#bot spawnraid' can spawn the bots, but have them appear 'grayed-out' in the party window (as though they were clients in another zone).

There seems to be an aggro problem (a HUGE one) possibly related to leslamarch's problem. Take your bot group to Mistmoore and attack something. Soon you will have what appears to be the entire zone upon you. I couldn't confirm it was the whole zone, but it looked like what happens with #aggrozone.

Giving a bot a weapon with a proc that they cannot proc yet yields the message "Your pet's will is insufficient...".

There is a bug in that the client sends something like OP_FloatListThing (approximate name...not sure on that) and that results in the client getting disconnected.

Cancelling trade with a bot can make an item appear to *poof* (not visible in the client inventory or on the cursor). When you attempt to trade another item to the bot, it gets the item that poofed.

Bots appear to be running past the mob, in a straight line in the direction they are facing, but then warp back to their actual location (looks like classic lag effects between clients).

One of my human monk bots has a different face each time she shows up. lol
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