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Old 08-07-2009, 10:27 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 17

Originally Posted by KingMort View Post
That's maybe a defeatist attitude .. Who cares what they come up with as long as we come up with it faster and more frequent.. Even if we have to modify and tweak every week slightly to void their progress..

So be it.. It's way better than having our work go for nothing
I don't see ANYWHERE where anyone has said not to try to curb/stop MQ/whatever use. Just that how you are trying is pointless.

It's like this.

There's a right way and a whole ton of wrong ways. The right way isn't a server side fix... because it's not manageable nor effective by any measure. It's a patchwork fix for people putting together patchwork servers. They'll fall apart.

The right way IS -- still kind of gray -- but clearly going to happen in some client side software.
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