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Old 08-20-2009, 03:12 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 21

Ok I have a question.The server sounds cool and all,but is it just going to get shut down a week after you open it like all your past servers?This is not a flame but a serious concern/question so I don't waste more time leveling chars on you or secrets work only to have it dissapear-reappear-dissapear-reappear....

Correct me if I'm wrong,but you are the same guy that had the really cool server that was all based in Dreadspire,with bad ass scripted events right?Well I loved that server,and wasted a bunch of time on there only to have it just dissapear in a week and a half,with you saying your room mate turns off the server on you,and that you couldn't afford to run your computer.Then the server and forums just dissapeared.

Then you had the Bristlebane server which was really cool and had all that bad ass new gear,and you were posting those awesome pics from Crystallos with mobs in it.You kept posting showing progress and screenshots.Then all of the sudden out of the blue you just said you were done with it....

Then after a little bit,you posted that you were comming up with another new server and kept giving all these updates on your progress for about 2 weeks...... followed up by a post out of the blue saying you were ending that server too,and that you were done for good.And that brings us up to this point,where once again you are posting about another server.

And then you have Secrets,who has had a ton of servers and they go on and off and on and off,and then just dissapear of the face off the earth.Plus I thought I just read a post by Secrets not too long ago saying that he was just too mentally unstable(or something like that) to run a server at this time,after his server had only been up for like 3 days this time and then shut back down.

You guys do realize that when you fuck around and shut servers down constantly it wastes a lot of time that people played on each of these servers over and over right?

With the both of you together on a server,considering your past track records,is there really any way in hell that this server will run for more then a week and then dissapear?

Like I said at the beginning of the post,this is not a flame,but just my observations and legitimate questions,because I REALLY DO want to try this server out because I loved the servers they have put out in the past.But I'm through getting suckered in to wasting more time on the same people that have wasted my time already,multiple times in the past.So.... will this be another week long server,or are you going for the long haul?