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Old 08-28-2009, 12:44 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: West Kentucky
Posts: 4

Wow, quite a bit of posts on this matter of teleports and such. Just wanted to clarify my position so no one bans me from the server before I get to even play on it.

I would definitely launch with no system but a true classic, player based teleport system. The real goal of the project, from how I understand it, is to be as original of an EQ experience as possible. You can't do that by starting off with a bunch of compromises. The only way to start off with a true classic server is to have all the things in place; both the good and bad. Good, bad, it is all personal opinion anyway. What one person loves, someone out there is sure to hate with a passion.

As a player, some of the original things EQ was famous for around launch time maybe a little tough to adjust back too; at first. But I seem to remember the harshness of the game forced a lot of grouping and because of that, I know that I made lots of good friends. I always thought of old school EQ as a chat-room with a fun game built around it. I know there were times were I might have only killed 2 or 3 mobs, if any, in an hour of play because I was just happily chatting away. Hanging around with and meeting new people was what was fun. The game wasn't bad either.

From a developer's standpoint, I would think that the main goal is to get to as classic as possible. Period. If you can get to the point of being as close to original as possible, any compromises that might have to be made because of class issues or population can then be made. But if the original goal was Vanilla EQ, stick to your guns, take no prisoners, and try to deliver the best damn Classic experience possible.

The teleport system I talked about was a compromise that has no place in original EQ and as such I don't think it should be available as a launch option. I just see it as one of those compromises, that if had to be made, would be a lot better than some easier methods. Nothing more, nothing less. It is not a request; just a silly idea--the lesser of the evils as I saw them in my mind.

The only thing I would hope is that the goal would be more orient towards a few months after the original release of EQ. I shudder to think of some of the things at launch that were broken or not even in the game yet at that time. Most of those types of true "Bugs" I think could be left out with little to no complaints from most people.

When you are new to a community, it is sometimes hard to judge how people will react to certain ideas. Sorry if I seem to be repeating myself (and for my overly long posts).

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