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Old 09-07-2009, 02:51 PM
Producer_BMW's Avatar
Hill Giant
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: VA
Posts: 181

You can set a statement I believe

Like if is a certain spell

to like opt it out

such as Mage pets spell

:::not 100% on that::: but looks something like this

if($text =~ /hail/i) {
quest::say("Welcome to the server, how can I help
you today? Would you like me to help you [scribe] spells");
elsif ($text =~ /scribe/i && $ulevel <= 51 && $class ne Magician) {
quest::say("Very well, here you are $name!");
elsif($text =~ /scribe/i && $ulevel <= 44 && $class == Magician) {
quest::say("Very well, here you are $name!");
elsif($text =~ /scribe/i && $ulevel >= 45 && $ulevel <= 51 && $class
== Magician) {
quest::say("Sorry, $name. You are too high to have any spells scribed!");
elsif ($text =~ /scribe/i && $ulevel >= 52) {
quest::say("Sorry, $name. You are too high to have any spells scribed!");
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