Thread: New Icon issue
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Old 09-12-2009, 12:58 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Madison
Posts: 26

Okay thanks. Two new questions then,

Could I theoretically re-name some of the dragitems to change in game icons (and with a bit of experimenting with names use which icons I please)

And secondly, would SoF support all of the icons provided I downloaded the Dragitems? I just built a new PC, and for some reason my copy of SoF isn't working - it would crash on startup. Because I'm going to upgrade to Win 7 in a few months I figured I'd just play on Titanium for a few months, and then troublshoot SoF on a new OS if needed. But when I ran SoF on my old machine I didn't have all the new icons either. (I didn't download the dragitems)

Thanks for the help.
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