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Old 09-24-2009, 12:49 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: NA
Posts: 16

Originally Posted by trevius View Post
Basically, the idea I had was just to add 2 more fields at the end of the spell table. One of the fields being named something like qglobal_name, and the other being qglobal_value. Then, when spells are scribed, we would simply check each spell that a player could normally scribe to see if it has a name and value set and if so, it will check the qglobals table to see if that player has that particular qglobal and value. So, you could assign players qglobals like "shaman" with a value of "1" and then set a tier of spells in the spells table to have that same setting. You could really organize them however you want, then. You could name them by class like that, or name them after a quest reward or whatever. The only downside to it is that you wouldn't be able to export your whole spells table and then clear it out and import it again. If you did, you would have to setup your qglobal fields again.
this is something that should be added so that spells from each expansion could be selected or from your custom list etc. such a pain in the ass either way :(
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