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Old 10-07-2009, 01:15 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 124

Originally Posted by DDude11 View Post
it looks like he has the same prob as me so i openeed command prompt like you said and switched to my server folder and ran world.exe and got this
[10.06. - 13:17:29] Starting Log: logs/eqemu_error_world_5780.log
[10.06. - 13:17:29] Failed to connect to database: Error: #1045: Access denied for user 'eq'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

I chose to use 'eq' because that is the account that you are trying to login into the mysql server with based on the error message. The line that says 'Access denied for user 'eq'@'localhost'. This means that your eqemu_config.xml file has eq as the user to log into the mysql database. Change the user to root and it should connect. Make sure the password is correct also.

It doesn't matter what the username is as long as it is setup in the database and the eqemu_config.xml file.

 Change this line here ->  <username>eq</username>

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