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Old 10-15-2009, 08:07 PM
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Shin Noir
Legendary Member
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Seattle, WA
Posts: 502

It's just a update issue. The server is guessing the player is still moving forward since he was just a second ago, but then the client updates the server saying "No wiat! I'm here.. I stopped!" and server goes "oh, ok!" and sends off a packet to other clients on the new found position. I see this on all EMU servers, especially if the player has selo's etc

When I run my dev box with zero lag (server and client on same machine) I still get these update position glitches.

What's a lot of fun is when you mez a mob that was running forward, clients will not get the update they stopped moving from the server and they will ghost run forward for a long time until a position update occurs (like an idle animation or another Pos Update). Some times the mezzed mob will be out of sight before you get the next packet update. lol The server however knows exactly where the mob is mezzed and it is really there, your client just isn't getting the proper "Stop" update.

Mobs and bots are more predictable on their movement patterns when not the above situation since they're ran on the server, so they know when they're going to stop etc. Only time they may do a wonky pattern is when chasing a client, they don't know their destination entirely since it's based on what the server thinks you're doing. This is why you can tell if you're lagging by watching a pet chasing you. The pet is chasing where the server thinks you are, if you have latency issues your pet will stand around chasing your ghost essentially.

Just need some better update position on servers I think~ But that makes network traffic increase a lot

~Shin Noir
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