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Old 03-01-2010, 05:34 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 17

/tinfoil hat on

Part of me sometime wonders if SOE is above clandestine payment to some botnet operators to hassle emu servers (cause the same thing happens with SWGEmu from time to time). If for no other reason to generate FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) abotu using private servers as opposed to their servers).

Its true, they may not have a leg to stand on in a court as far as trying to cliam EULA violations, but if one thinks a company is above some guerilla warfare on the side to protect its IP/assets, then one may be in for a rude awakening.

/tinfoil hat off

or it could be some 'bored' botnet operators loking to greif people, but folks dont assemble those botnets out of boredom, too many of them are operated 'for profit', for their own, and for whoever hired them to use the botnet.

So, who would 'profit' from EQEmu being deluged by DDOS attacked? SOE plain and simple. All other means SOE has tried to employ over the years to make EQEmu (along with MacroQuest, and ShowEQ) to go away have failed and SOE wont risk losing a court fight (that would set precedent against ALL MMO operators if a defendant won).

hey it could be the work of some oversealous SOE employee for all we know, hehe it could even be Brad McQuaid for all we know. (those Verant folks really hated emu efforts).
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