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Old 03-18-2010, 02:30 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Location
Posts: 16

Another Odd issue i have come across is that after setting Openzone up on my laptop, running xp 32 bit, on standard Pentium M machine... that OZ does open and close without crashing, but the same compile issue happens when i transfer the files over to be imported and then compiled to .s3d format. also, the textures do not show up even tho they do on my 64 bit desktop running the same version of OZ with the same import mesh and the same .bmp in the same folder... very strange.

Perhaps its something to do with the 64 bit variant of max... tho this never was an issue previously... and i can still enter and load the older zones into OZ... however, only from the saved OZ files... not from exporting the updated mesh files and the new textures of those older working custom zones. All of this leads me to believe that there may be a support issue with me having Max 2010 also installed even though i do my models in both to see if that was the case. As it seems... neither export type works any longer.

Also on another note, apparently my sound driver is not to happy with me seeing as after both trying to create tutorials while using the older version, there was no sound recorded. I updated the driver... and still nothing... gonna have to look and see if some other issue is causing the mic to not register.

So all in all... tho i would have liked to have posted a few tutorials already, it may be a little while unless people like silent or subtitled videos on how to do stuff... which in my opinion are much less effective and harder to follow.

Hoping to resolve these situations asap.

Member of OrisonIndustries
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