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Old 04-04-2010, 11:03 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 9

Bought SoD off Steam for $2.50 last night and finished download this morning.

I downloaded the server code from SVN and compiled the server and EQEmuLoginServer. My existing PEQ database was still the same revision so I left my SQL alone.

Booted up the server and EQEmuLoginServer, booted up the SoD client and connected to localhost on port 5999. Everything went smooth. The SoD client saw my server and I was able to make a new character and load into the tutorial zone, no crashes or disconnects.

World.exe did spit out a bunch of [Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT_ERR] messages, but nothing that caused a crash or disconnect.

I haven't ran the server for very long but so far it is looking absolutely superb!

This might not help much, I am still fairly fresh behind the ears when it comes to compiling and running an EQ server, so I have to say if *I* was able to get it up and running without any trouble that must mean something!
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