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Old 04-20-2010, 02:43 AM
ChaosSlayerZ's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Dinggo View Post
THF is NOT a solo friendy server by any stretch of the imagination, its barely duo friendly at best, certainly not past level 55+. Sure you can solo to 50, then your shit outta luck unless your in a guild, or can find groups. The content post 55 is not ever close to solo/duo friendly, unless you want to kill light blues and greens till you level out, or kill trash mobs only to have a normal named in teh same low level zone hit for thousands and wipe you instantly, which is normal for just about every named on this server. Your dead in the water post level cap unless you join a guild and find a FULL group. They just removed the Deleveling NPC becusae most of the server would delevel to 55 to do AA's because the content at 70 is too difficult and time consuming to make any normal progress on, which put dozens of lvl 70 players in low level zones killing and kill stealing every mob in sight from the poor level 45-55 trying to get there first toon to 70.

If you want to be more accurate and honest to your users before then invest time into the server you would call it a Group Server that enforces grouping through content difficulty. Which is fine, there is a need for all types of severs, but THF is always misadvertising itself as a solo/duo friendly group and its a bit dishonest.
I disagree.
I myself soloed to 70 with one of the LESS popular classes such as necro - its far more easier if you playing a melee or cleric.
There was a heavy jump in difficulty in 55+ range, but it was scaled down.
If you are douing (+1 bot) - you will BREEZE to 70 in even less time.

Now past 70+, it does become a group oriented game play, though again you CAN do DUO the trash in Icewell/Kael or LDON to gear up, and then you can join a guild and do raids.

yes, you can't/duo solo raid target, but pre-raid named in Sebilis/SolB can be soloed/duoed
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