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Old 06-03-2010, 09:29 AM
Join Date: Sep 2008
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Posts: 31

You pretty much got it there Mirakus.

One note I will add, is "adding your ip to the top of the config file" portion from above.

Typically when the world server connects to the login server it will save the IP address from which the world server connected. Say, world server at connects to login server at, therefor the login server knows the public IP address of the world server.

However, when you run both on the same machine (or within a LAN and desire outside connections) this can be a bit tricky. Local LAN + outside connections typically runs into some routing problems (i.e. route the internal LAN packets properly using internal addresses and still listen/respond to external addresses). If you're not concerned about external connections (i.e. from the internet) then you have a easier job. But I digress...

Here in lies the rub, the login server will not know the public/private IP address to which it should use to connect to the world server. This is why when you are running the login server and world server on a single machine you MUST set these fields. Otherwise the 'IP' gets recorded as and all clients are then routed back to themselves ( to look for the worldserver, which of course isn't there.

As clear as mud?

Hope that helps.

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